Negotiating an employment agreement
The end-to-end recruitment process has many interrelated parts and can at times seem like a marathon rather than a sprint – for both businesses and candidates. The important point to remember is that great working relationships start with a great recruitment process. And often, the one last hurdle to overcome is the employment agreement.
Seven traits of successful leaders
There’s no denying the impact that a successful leader can have on organisational performance. Consider for a moment leaders past and present - Jeff Bezos, Amazon; Steve Jobs, Apple; Simon Moutter, Spark; Rob Fyfe, Air New Zealand; Marissa Mayer, Yahoo - to name just a few.
Gender diversity on boards – the threat of quotas…
There are few things in business so polarising in opposing views than introducing gender based quotas for boards – both private and public. The idea re-emerged in media commentary this past week, following Minister for Woman Julie Anne Genter’s appearance on TVNZ’s Q+A programme.
Using social media to recruit millennials
The fight for good talent is intense and for some organisations, it is especially challenging to recruit candidates of a younger generation (under age 35) because of their different needs, thought patterns and behaviour.
Build a great company culture
Building and sustaining a healthy and constructive workplace culture is one of the greatest challenges for business leaders. In a highly competitive talent market, it is imperative to position your organisation in the best possible light, to attract top talent and continue to drive growth.
Are you in the wrong job?
The more pertinent question is, are you brave enough to find a role where you truly thrive?
IQ, EQ and now AQ…
Most of us are familiar with the use of cognitive intelligence (IQ) and emotional intelligence (EQ) as measures of aptitude and projected performance in the workplace. However, there’s a new ‘Q’ that’s rapidly growing traction, as the true test of success in today’s modern workplace. And it’s called ‘AQ’ or adaptability quotient.
The allure of a counter offer: “Should I stay or should I go?
Quoting The Clash lyrics “should I stay or should I go” is actually a common question asked by executives when faced with a counter offer from their current employer.
A game changing recruitment trend?
At Decipher Group, we like to think that we keep one eye on the future. As a business, we’re a bunch of early adopters and leaders in the field of digital recruitment technology - so it’s important to look to where the next opportunity lies.
What makes a great board chair?
They are often characterised as “first among equals” - they have no executive power and no boss (maybe, aside from shareholders), yet their performance and impact are considered critical to organisational success. So how do you choose the right board chair?
Walk the talk on diversity
We’re all acutely aware of the stats. Take a close look at the list of top CEOs and you’ll see an obvious lack of diversity – ethnicity, gender, disability, religion, sexual orientation. There’s no denying that diversity makes better business sense, and not just to the bottom line.
The human side of the CEO role
As with any leader, the best understand that it’s a continuous journey of learning and transforming. A new study of 400 CEOs from various industries and organisational structures around the globe, reveals some very interesting insights on the human side of the CEO role, that we thought was worth sharing.
What sport can teach us about diversity and hiring
Ever heard of the Rooney Rule?
OD: aligning people and business strategy
OD, Organisation Development, Organisational Development or Organisation Design… it’s becoming a catch-all phrase to describe any sort of business change, typically related to developing a constructive workplace culture.
Who do you want on your life raft
Finding new talent to join your team can be a stressful business, and rightly so. There’s nothing more crucial to the success of your business than making sure you have the right people in your team.
Top interviewing skills for corporate professionals
The key to a successful interview in the executive and management space is preparation. Having a great CV is one thing, but the ability to clearly communicate your experience, knowledge and skills under pressure is a talent in itself.
Three ways to ensure you ‘talk the talk’ during an interview
It’s one thing to have a great résumé. It’s another thing altogether to be able to convey your experience, knowledge and skills during the interview process. While some thrive under the watchful eye of interviewers, others find the experience incredibly daunting. Here are three tips to consider the next time you’re sitting in the hot seat.
Resilience and Wellbeing – live and virtual
Accomplish your professional goals while reclaiming your time and energy for personal wellbeing.
Business awards celebrate success
The Westpac Champion Business Awards continue to recognise and celebrate businesses that embody innovation, excellence and success while rewarding the businesses that shape the future of Canterbury and New Zealand.
Congrats to the team at Invert Robotics
Congrats to the team at Invert Robotics - a pioneering NZ robotics firm - for securing US$8.8 million in funding from top tech investors. Invert Robotics developed the world's first climbing robot capable of climbing on stainless steel. The inspection robot, designed for use in the food and beverage, dairy, aviation, pharmaceutical, and oil and gas industries, has gained global
Time Management for Productivity – live and virtual
Efficiency is doing things right; effectiveness is doing the right things,” management expert Peter Drucker famously said. Effective time management is the key to success as a business professional. In this course, find out how to balance competing priorities so you can complete work on time. Discover proven time management tools and techniques to complete work with greater efficiency
New Zealand’s Highest Paying Industries
Online employment marketplace SEEK has released its latest round of salary data, identifying the highest paying industry in the country as well as the sector with the most wages growth.
What is the Difference Between Proactive Recruitment and Reactive Recruitment?
So you’re driving along the road, pushing the speed limit in order to make the meeting you’re running late for while trying to make sense of the notes you scribbled late last night and stuffing the piece of toast you hastily made on your way out the door into your mouth at the same time.
Passive market key to unlocking hidden talent pool
The active versus passive candidate has long been a topic of hot debate at the senior management and executive level of recruitment.
Thinking holistically about employee engagement
The term ‘holistic approach’ is gaining currency in human resource management – but what does it actually mean? Firstly, holistic is the idea that the whole is more than merely the sum of parts, and workplace is any or all places where people are employed.