The gig economy and the future of work
The term was coined around the time of the GFC but now we’re starting to see its rise in popularity – the “Gig Economy” – what is it and how will it change the future of work?
The hiring process: life hacks
Labour quality and capability continues to be a major concern for business leaders. According to the Institute of Directors annual director sentiment survey, this was the second highest rated risk facing organisations.
Over 40’s – don’t hold back!
Are the responsibilities of adulthood – paying bills, household chores, child rearing – holding us back from the work life we could be living?
The secret to recruiting Gen Zers
With Millennials firmly established in the workplace its now time to focus attention on Generation Z - don’t make the mistake of thinking the two generations are one and the same.
Talking money during the hiring process
It’s a topic that most people feel uncomfortable if not awkward talking about but at some time during a recruitment process, the question around remuneration expectations will arise. So, when is the right time or place to start talking about salary?
Be kind to all candidates – it’s good for your employer brand
In most situations, the focus of a hiring process is finding the right person for the role. And rightly so, considering the impact this could have on your business, both positive and negative. However sometimes we overlook the candidate experience, particularly for unsuccessful candidates.
What the list of the best performing CEOs in the world tells us
Harvard Business Review has released its annual list of the world’s top chief executives – here are some of the key take outs.
CEO’s: what to do when you ‘retire’
A recent article on news site Stuff included stories from recognisable CEOs who had left an executive career and ‘reinvented’ themselves. It raised some interesting questions around how you leave what will likely be the pinnacle of your career, and then what you do next…
Cognitive Diversity: the new competitive advantage
Diversity is a truly multidimensional conversation. When it comes to forming teams tasked with tackling new, uncertain or complex challenges, encouraging diversity in its traditional form is not necessarily the precursor to success.
Reverse mentoring
Reverse mentoring is gaining in popularity as an opportunity for experienced, senior leaders to gain valuable perspective through the lens of a less experienced and in most cases, younger member of the team. Like any mentoring, it’s about sharing insights, having an open mind and being committed to continuous learning.
Returnships and returning from maternity leave
Employers understand their obligations in regard to parental leave but how much focus do we give to women who are returning to the workplace?
Wellbeing: being your true self at work
Earlier in the year, there was an article that appeared in online business magazine Forbes that resulted in a lot of chatter around our office. As we eased ourselves into the new year and with the recruitment market becoming more active in recent weeks, we have been reflecting on the main points from the article in our conversations with candidates.
Build a talent pool
With an increasingly competitive labour market that favours top candidates, the implications for businesses in terms of attracting, developing and retaining exceptional performers are becoming a harsh reality. Talent management is crucial to delivering on your wider organisational strategy, particularly if that strategy includes growth (organic or aspirational).
Wellbeing: be happy at work
For many of us, a large portion of our day is spent at work. In fact, one third of your life will be spent working - that’s 90,000 hours over a lifetime! So, it’s safe to say that what you do during those 90,000 hours can have a major impact on your quality of life.
How do i measure up as a leader?
An article in HuffPost summed things up perfectly – “leadership is freakin’ hard”. Author and leadership consultant Bill Treasurer suggested that the biggest problem is you, because good leaders nearly always start out as bad leaders.
Change up your onboarding
It’s a new year and there are likely plenty of things that you would like to tackle to improve your human resources processes. Rather then being overwhelmed with options or procrastinating about where to start, consider focussing your effort on one area of the recruitment process that is often overlooked - onboarding.
Attracting millennials
Creating a workplace that is attractive to millennials and centennials, or any specific generation, is crucial to the long-term achievement of organisational goals. Why? Well, millennials have now overtaken baby boomers as the largest generational group in New Zealand – they are the future of your workforce.
Culture and governance
With ultimate accountability for ensuring the prosperity of an organisation, boards are increasingly being held to account for organisational culture and more specifically misbehaviour - achieving organisational success by being proactive and operating with integrity.
Going global? what about your board…
There was an insightful article that appeared in a recent edition of the Institute of Directors Boardroom magazine that reflected on the need for international experience on Boards of companies with global growth aspirations.
Hiring: are our judgements flawed?
Online business magazine Fast Company published an interesting article last month about how our initial judgments about another person is often a reflection of ourselves – and says very little about the person we’re judging.
Hiring: what does success look like?
When it comes to recruiting new members for your team or a pivotal leadership or governance role, what does winning look like for your business? No doubt everyone involved in the recruitment process has a different interpretation of what success looks like but a proven method to hiring high-performing candidates, is to focus on the problems to be solved by the role, in the short and long term.
How to hire for cultural fit
Seeking out individuals who align with your company’s culture and values is an effective approach to building a cohesive workplace. Technical skills and competencies aside, the lingering question asked of recruiters is “will they fit with the culture of our business”.
Demystifying networking
An interesting article on NBR came to our attention this week. New-York based entrepreneur and author Sunny Bates, who is currently visiting New Zealand on several speaking engagements, made the comment that networking is the single best thing an entrepreneur can do to boost their business success.
Burn your CV…
This may seem a bit alarmist but from our perspective, as professional recruiters, CVs are increasingly becoming obsolete and in time, could just as easily be assigned to the recycling bin, with online professional networks such as LinkedIn becoming the meeting place for job seekers looking for new opportunities.
Improve the dynamic of boardroom debate
A board of directors has a long list of responsibilities – strategy formulation, accountability, monitoring, policy making, appointing a CEO – and there is certainly a correlation between strong organisational performance and effective corporate governance.