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insights: blogs

How to attract passive candidates

In a talent scarce market, finding candidates to fill roles is challenging and for highly specialised and technical roles it is not an exaggeration to say that talent pools are running dry. Furthermore, it is highly likely that the person you are looking for, the “ideal” candidate, is already happily employed and not actively in the job market.


Is the ‘right to disconnect’ part of your wellbeing policy?

Many countries around the world are leading the way with the introduction of laws to give workers the right to switch off from their jobs, to preserve work-life balance. In an era of digital technology and remote flexible working that means we are always connected and available to work, what lessons could business learn from ‘right to disconnect’ legislative control?


I didn’t get the job

Rejection is not easy and for job seekers it’s likely something that most have experienced at some stage in their career. The feeling of despair is often exacerbated if you felt that the opportunity was a perfect match for your skills and background and put a lot of time and effort into your application.


Recruiter beef with buzzwords

We all use them, those specific words or phases that have a meaning in a particular context but are often associated with impressing those around you. Even more so in recruitment where both the company recruiting, and the candidate are simultaneously attempting to strike a connection in a short period of time.


Interview hack: online interviews

As a national recruitment consultancy with an international talent pool, Decipher Group has been utilising video technology for many years as a way of interacting with clients and candidates. Face-to-face interactions have many benefits but when recruiting for senior level roles or positions that are public facing or have a high degree of stakeholder interaction...


Resume screening – what is it and how does it work?

Quality of hire is often the number one measure of success when utilising the services of an executive search and recruitment consultancy. It is not simply about filling a position but rather finding talent that will bring the necessary skills and expertise required for the role while also adding value in terms of contributing to an organisation’s long-term success.


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