Do you need to review your reviews?
Love or loathe them, performance reviews can be a powerful tool for fostering the growth and engagement of your team as well as contributing to company culture and productivity. Overtime however, they can become routine or stale and lose their impact.
Need help to reshape your organisation to fit your business strategy?
The way we plan or design an organisational structure often starts with the best intentions, aligning roles and processes with broader strategy, however over time priorities change and the structure evolves into something either overly complex or completely misaligned with strategic imperatives.
How rewarding is your reward strategy?
The challenges of attracting and retaining talent are shining a spotlight firmly on performance-based compensation programmes. The employee benefits that truly matter to people have changed, unfortunately most reward strategies have not.
Evaluating the CEO
The performance of an organisation can be influenced by many events, not all related to the efforts of a CEO. This can mean some leaders receive too much credit for success while others face the blame for poor organisational performance. Which begs the question, are CEO performance evaluations relevant?
Is it time for a pulse check?
We’re all vulnerable to the stress and strain of everyday life, balancing work and personal lives while also coping with the impact of a global pandemic and lockdowns that restrict our usual freedoms. At times, this can manifest itself in feelings of disengagement which effects both our wellbeing and sometimes, our work performance.
Reorg or restructure – is your business ready?
Workplace reorganisations and restructures are inevitable, particularly in today’s environment with external pressures impacting on a company’s ability to remain competitive.
Cognitive diversity versus personality tests
In the blogpost below, we delve into the world of personality assessments and provide some insights into the differences between measuring the personality of an individual versus the cognitive diversity of a group.
Embrace change and take control of your career
A positive outlook can be your greatest asset when searching for a new job or your next career development opportunity.
How to successfully change your career
Seldom, if ever in this day and age, do individuals go through life without having to contemplate a career change.
High attrition rate? How to deal with employee complaints
Retaining top executive talent in today’s highly competitive market is becoming more and more challenging regardless of the industry you’re in. Take heed of these top drivers of high employee churn and start retaining your company’s top staff for longer.
Psychometric testing – do’s, don’ts and accreditation
The integration of psychometric testing in a recruitment context has had mixed reviews in the past, mostly due to the misuse of testing and its context. However, today it is a widely utilised tool in many recruitment processes, integrated in the process as a supplementary selection tool.
Do unicorns really exist?
Often considered mythical and existing solely in fairy tales, unicorns are very much real in the magical world of recruitment! In fact, it is one of the primary reasons why companies partner with us – our ability to find talent that no one else can…
How to win the war for talent
People leave jobs and move onto new opportunities. It happens all the time – it’s called a career ‘path’ for a reason. Chances are, many of your current employees are thinking about their next role right now. The problem employers face is finding and attracting top talent to fill vacant roles.
What to consider before joining a board
Regardless of whether you are an experienced independent director or an emerging director considering a career in governance, much like an executive role, there are many factors to consider before accepting a position on a board.
Could an Advisory Board be a game changer for your business?
As a company grows and evolves, it will have an increasing need for experienced stewardship and support to deliver on its strategic direction. Having access to high-quality advice and guidance can greatly enhance an organisation’s performance. One of the best decisions a business leader can make, is the creation of an Advisory Board.
Why is board succession such a sensitive topic?
The demands of boards are great, and the challenges are many – ongoing implications of a global pandemic, a highly competitive talent market, potential for economic slowdown, climate risk and ESG initiatives, increasing prevalence of cyberattacks, regulatory change – there are certainly no shortage of issues that are likely to require board attention in 2022.
What does a leader look like today?
What does it take to be a leader in business? What are those innate skills or core traits required by successful leaders in the workplace? And by “leaders” we don’t just mean those in the boardroom or c-suite, but rather any employee who is in a position where they inspire and motivate others.
Is the timing right for a culture refresh or reset?
In the history of ‘work’ has there ever been such a swift and tremendous change to the workplace than what we have experienced over the past two years, as a result of the global pandemic? If organisational culture is defined as “the way things are done around here” where does that leave our shared attitudes, beliefs and customs in the face of so much disruption...
Why you need a Chief Wellness Officer
The workplace is constantly changing and if the past two years has taught us anything then it’s the knowledge that our ability to keep pace with change will be fundamental to our success. The same can be said for roles and functions within an organisation, in that we create new ways and adopt new thinking to help an organisation and the people within it to thrive.
Are we paying our HR leaders fairly?
International Women’s Day 2022 is shining the spotlight on gender bias, discrimination and stereotyping with their #BreakTheBias campaign theme. It got us thinking about gender equality and specifically pay gaps, an issue that spans all sectors. Rather ironically however, are we actually paying our HR leaders fairly?
There is no career ladder
Traditionally we have thought of career pathways as linear steps, progressing from one role to another as we move up the corporate ladder, culminating in the highest rank possible within one’s field of expertise. The reality is that there is no set career ladder, and it’s up to the individual to take ownership of their career path.
Is TikTok reimaging recruitment?
In a relatively short period of time, online professional networking site LinkedIn transformed the way people find new opportunities and how employers and hiring managers search for talent. Could an entertainment platform like TikTok be the next channel for recruitment?
Remove bias in hiring
Diversity, equity and inclusion, or DE&I as it is widely known, is a hot topic and perhaps one of the most fundamental human resource management goals that businesses are seeking to ‘solve’ in the current age. In this blog, we’re narrowing our focus to look specifically at ways to transform how you hire, for good.
Retention and engagement – it’s not about salary
Employee retention is a fundamental component of organisational success. If you’re doing it right, what you should be aiming for is high engagement and high retention – your employees care about their work and the organisation, and you’re doing your best to keep them in the business. But it's not just about compensation and benefits.
Why your senior leaders are thinking about quitting and when they’ll do it
Staff attrition is costly – at senior leader level, for each employee lost, the cost to the company could be 50%–250% of his/her annual salary. Continued border closures, talent scarcity and an active labour market are intensifying employer efforts to retain their senior leaders. So why are your people thinking about quitting and when will it happen?